5 Reasons to Invest in Southern California Commercial Real Estate

California, the nation’s most widely traveled and populous state in the United States.

Sure, California’s iconic global status is due in big part to the Hollywood entertainment machine and the booming tech industry in the Bay Area, Silicon Valley, Silicon Beach (Santa Monica and West Los Angeles) and emerging tech hot springs in the South Central Coast including Goleta and Santa Barbara.

Keys reasons that support investing in California’s desirable commercial real estate market include portfolio diversification, strong foreign investment and a robust tourism industry.

1) GDP with Economic Growth – California’s GDP is the 5th largest in the world. In the last 20 years, California’s GDP expanded by nearly 60%, increasing from nearly $1.71 trillion in 2000, to an annual average of $3.09 trillion

2) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – California ranks #1 in total FDI nationwide with over $41.5 billion according to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

3) Opportunity – California ranks 16th on the Opportunity Index which is a measurement of 16 key economic, educational, and civic metrics.

4) Tourism in CA alone contributed $11.8 billion—a consistent annual increase of 7.3% from 2017 and is #1 for interstate tourism according to Business Insider.

5) Population & Population Growth – California is also the most populous state in the United States, with 39.6 million residents. The average median income is $80K which is 12% than the national average.

So what are you waiting for? Contact MARQUIS Signature Properties to discuss strategic sector investments in commercial real estate. There are numerous lucrative opportunities available with stable tenants and companies that provide solid returns, upside appreciation and value-add potential. Email us at ezra@marquissp.com or direct message us.

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